Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Mothers Day Celebration at School

Mothers Day Celebration at School

Few days ago, I received a notification from Naomis teachers that they were organizing a Mommy-Kid breakfast session at school to celebrate this years Mothers Day and they encouraged Mothers to participate. Mothers were asked to prepare breakfast from home and bring it over to school.

Truth be told, I was very happy when I saw the invite and looked forward to attending it (in fact, I had been waiting for this moment when Naomi just started her school about three months back). I had always wondered how the teachers at Naomis school celebrate Mothers Day with kids and I was intrigued by the potential Mothers Days gift that Naomi would prepare for me with the help of her teachers.

Naomi is not a fan of bread or cookies or cereal for breakfast hence I purposely prepared something that she would likely eat during the event this morning. For breakfast with Naomi at school, I opted to cook simple fried noodle last night and heated it before packing it this morning. I also bothered to make a thin fried egg then cut it to garnish our breakfast boxes. Talk about efforts.

Our breakfast box.

So the awaited day finally came.

When I arrived to the school at around 8.30am, I was presented with Mothers Day card that Naomi made yesterday. Can you see the heart shape Naomi tried to make with her hand prints? The teacher asked us to take photo with it but Naomi refused to do so because she acted particularly shy this morning when she noticed there were so many strangers at school today.

Sweet Mothers Day card from my girl. #heartmelt

The first thing I noticed when I saw the other participating Moms this morning was "Eh, why nobody brought hot meal for their breakfast box?" I briefly looked around and apparently only Naomi and I would be eating noodle. Other Moms brought cupcakes, cakes, roll cakes or bread for themselves and their kids.

Me and my gift.

The Mommy-Kid breakfast went pretty smoothly. Naomi didnt create drama and she finished her noodle. I, however, did not manage to eat my own noodle as I was busy feeding Naomi. Honestly, I was a bit ashamed of eating my noodle breakfast while other Moms simply nibbled on the bread or cake that they were sharing with their tots. I mean how could I eat my big portion of hot fried noodle (I packed a double portion of Naomis noodle for my own breakfast box) whilst other mothers only ate like just a tiny bit of bread or cakes from their breakfast box? To steer clear of fellow Moms thinking that I went too overboard with this breakfast event, I refrained taking out my breakfast box from my bag and just took out Naomis.

This was so good, better than Deli Frances.

Luckily, Naomis teachers distributed yummy fruit pies to for all of us and I was somewhat saved from my hunger pangs. The pie was so good that I almost asked for one more but I cancelled my idea because I already ate mine and Naomis. Naomi only ate the fruit topping so I ate the pies.

Anyway, the breakfast event was short yet delightful. I left the school shortly after the kids started singing the national anthems. God, I admired these kids energy and dedication when they sang Negaraku. They sang, or rather screamed, the anthem wholeheartedly.

And oh, I ate my noodle when I got home.

Now... What I would get from Naomi for Mothers Day next year?

go to link download