Wednesday, August 29, 2018

DSC resource for XenDesktop in TechPreview

DSC resource for XenDesktop in TechPreview

In true form to the blogging I am doing around desired state configuration - the resource for XenDesktop went live as a Technology Preview today.

You can find it here:

This goes along side the SCVMM Service Template and the Windows Azure Pack Gallery Image - which are available from here:

Why is there a DSC resource for XenDesktop?  Frankly, DSC is a really cool feature of windows management framework (aka PowerShell) v4 and I think everyone wants to play in the DevOps pool (or should at least learn how to).

Most of all, I really want your feedback about the desired state configuration resource.  How you use it, what more you would like to see, what it is lacking, what it does not do for you.  I want to know it all.

We have a survey to capture this.  Or, you can simply reply with comments.  There is also a support forum where I will be fielding issues.

Happy hands off installs!

go to link download