Monday, August 27, 2018

Dont Let Rich People Own Apartments They Dont Live In

Dont Let Rich People Own Apartments They Dont Live In

Ive been wondering what to write about lately. There are plenty of things to write about, I suppose. The Pope is in town, but I already called him a wolf in sheeps clothing before. I dont need to write another post about that ignorant shaman just to rehash what I had said earlier. There is also the murders/wrongful deaths that have occurred in the ROK Army as well as a spate of suicides. But I also wrote a bit about the military before and I really dont want to talk about this depressing topic again. At least not for a while.

So, with no intent to write anything, I was going through my Facebook feed when I saw a post from Gawker, a website that I had never heard of before, that was shared with the caption �Its just simple economics.�