Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Breaking the Routines and Quick Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breaking the Routines and Quick Healthy Breakfast Ideas

My life, especially my mornings on weekdays, has been rather systematic and monotonous of late since Naomi goes to Kindergarten and my husband took a job in KL.

7.15am: I wake up (my husband leaves home for work before 7am, I get up later than him because I still wake up multiple times at night to feed owl Brennan).

7.20am: I brush my teeth, freshen up and fold the blankets.

7.30am: I go downstairs to make Milo for Naomi.

7.35am: I change Naomi into her school uniform then place her school bags in the car.

7.40am: Half asleep, Naomi drinks her milk. I go upstairs to get Brennan, usually he is still asleep around this time.

7.45am: I get both kids to the car.

7.50am: I drive to Naomis Kindergarten.

8am: I go home after dropping Naomi to school and begin preparing Brennans porridge.

8.15am: While waiting for Brennans porridge to cook, I eat my quick breakfast (whilst catching up with the news-feed in my social media), usually its just white bread with chocolate spread or jam with hot drinks like warm honey water, hot tea or hot chocolate. When I really crave Nasi Lemak, after dropping by Naomi to school, I drive to the nearby neighborhood about 5-10mins away from mine just to get a packet of Nasi Lemak. Not kidding, there are at least about 6-7 stalls in this neighborhood selling Nasi Lemak and Economic Beehoon in the morning. Nasi Lemak is a highly competitive business ha!

8.30am: If Brennan is awake, I bathe the baby upstairs.

9am: I play with baby then feed baby his first meal of the day.

Hi, meet my velcro bunny. Erm, baby I mean.

When the stars are 90% aligned (by this I mean baby is asleep at least until 8.30am), Id get the above done in perfect order with no drama or crying baby clinging on one of my feet while trying to gobble my breakfast or cut veggies for his porridge. If the stars happen to be 100% aligned (like few days ago, baby slept until 10am plus!), I even managed to do laundry and cook my lunch by 10am. What an accomplishment, huh? My #lifegoal nowadays is either get the laundry done within the same day or finish cooking lunch before 11.30am.

The above sums up my typical morning from Monday to Friday. #sohappening

Speaking of my morning routines and breakfast, I said YES as soon as AmazinGraze, an innovative healthy snack company that provides 100% natural, tasty, healthy snacks and granola, offered me to try some of their products. 

When Amazin Grazes samples arrived to my doorstep, I realized that eating healthier aka real foods that are free from refined sugar or high fat contents for quick breakfast is actually possible, hassle-free and easy. Bye, boring and unhealthy breakfast. Good morning, delicious and nutritious breakfast!

Thank you for these healthy loots, Amazin Graze!

Let me share some simple and quick breakfast ideas of mine using healthy and nutritious gluten-free granola clusters packed with superfood like almonds, goji berries, pepitas, blueberries and more; healthy nuts mix and nut butter from Amazin Graze. Each idea is super easy to throw together, even on a busy morning.

Serve granola of your choice that you can choose from here with your favorite yogurt or smoothies. The granola that I chose from Amazin Graze were Pink Raspberry Granola and Blueberry Goji Coconut Granola because I loveeee dried berries (I even served this granola with non-fat strawberry or mixed berries yogurt for extra berries kick because #whynot!). 

Granola + Yogurt.

Granola + Yogurt that literally translate to whole-grain goodness + probiotic are great and healthy for afternoon snack too. Breastfeeding Mom like yours truly needs a lot of energy so I usually eat three heavy meals and one serving of afternoon snack in a day. 

Want some?

Next, simply do a granola and fresh milk combo. This one is my favorite pair because I love eating my flavorful granola that has sit on a bowl of cold milk or soya milk for few minutes. Just add cold milk to a bowl of your favorite granola to start your day. Protein, fibers, calcium, vitamins and minerals -- all in one bowl! 

Granola + Cold Fresh Milk.

Other than granola, I also tried Amazin Grazes Berry-licious Trail Mix, a blend of dried berries and earthy nuts and pepitas

Look at these amazing sweet and nutty goodness!

This nuts and berries mix are perfect for party snack or light snack at home or on the go. I packed some in a mini container to keep Naomi quiet in the car and it worked like magic.

After-school snack.

Other than for snack, we can also enjoy this nut mix as breakfast by adding them atop a bowlful of granola and milk/yogurt breakfast for extra proteins and energy or use them to turn your average homemade breakfast bread or muffins to something richer and healthier like what I did with my homemade bread last week.

Homemade breakfast bread with nuts and berries.

To make this breakfast bread with berries and nuts mix, all you have to do is add a cup of berries and nuts mix to the bread dough during second kneading

Berries and Nuts bread goes perfectly with a cup of hot tea.

You can use any of your favorite bread recipe for this or use one of the following bread recipes that Ive previously shared: Pumpkin Bread, Potato Bread, Killer Soft Bread, Sweet Potato Bread, Banana Bread.

The last product that I got to taste from Amazin Graze is their Chocolate Coconut Hazelnut Butter, one of the variants of their stone-ground healthy nut butters.

First time eating hazelnut butter.

When I chose this product, I actually expected it to taste like the famous chocolate spread brands I often buy. How wrong I was. Just like its name, it tastes more like crunchy Peanut Butter (I should have known! LOL) with a hint of cocoa and coconut flavors. This hazelnut butter is not as thick as and less sweeter than the normal Peanut Butter (PB) I normally pick up during my grocery shopping.

I asked my husband to try eating this because he is THE PB lover in the house. This hazelnut butters overall taste suits his palate and he likes it. In addition, unlike the commercially manufactured PB that can be kept at normal room temperature after opening, we ought to keep the opened jar of Amazin Nut Butter in the fridge.

All in all, if I were to choose between eating granola or bread with nut butter for breakfast or snack; frankly speaking, Id go with the first one because I am not a big PB eater. I only binged eating PB when I got pregnant with Brennan - talk about that food aversion during pregnancy! One more thing, I really think this nut butter will be great to be used as the filling of Thumbprint Cookies as well.

Finally, shall we now dig in to healthier breakfast and snack with Amazin Graze?

** Find out more about Amazin Graze exciting products, tasty and healthy breakfast and snack ideas and latest promotions on Facebook and Instagram. Also, dont forget register online at to receive RM10 OFF for your first online purchase!

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