Friday, June 29, 2018

Wismar to Warnemünde Germany Scenic Route for self drivers

Wismar to Warnemünde Germany Scenic Route for self drivers

You can click on the pictures to enlarge. So you can easier read the instructions.

Willkommen in Deutschland!
Welcome to Germany!

When a cruiser posted the question that he would like to do a scenic ride I checked my guide books and found a suggestion for a tour from Wismar to Nienhagen which is just 5 miles apart from Warnem�nde.

Two years ago I got an impression from a ride on a small portion of this route.

It was beautiful.

This year I thought I should see the route I told others to do. Do not worry: there were no claims from other cruisers. Only nice reviews.

So we did Wismar to Warnem�nde and we were nice surprised how nice this part of Germany is.

You need 2 1/2 - 3 hours for driving because there are narrow streets and on some sections like in the former GDR...

Its a trip to nature, calmness, water, beaches, local food and history...

These are the points and my personal preferences as you might be in hurry and want to do some short cuts which you can always do.

Wismar (No. 1)
Insel Poel (No. 4)
Neubukow (you have to pass anyway...)
Rerik(No. 1)
Kr�pelin (No. 2)
K�hlungsborn (No. 2)
Heiligendamm (No. 3)
Bad Doberan (No. 2)
Nienhagen (you have to pass anyway...)
Warnem�nde (MUST)

I. e. you want to do but do not have 2 1/2 hours time to go. Then I would do the mininum which are indicated with No. 1. You have more time: then I would do No. 1+2 etc. But this is my choice - you must decide for yourselves....

For those who wants to see Wismar first, here are some impressions:

Other cruisers might join from

L�beck A 20
Schwerin B 105
Rostock/Warnem�nde A 20

at Wismar Junction (No. 9 on A 20 between Rostock and L�beck).

In Future the A 14 will connect you directly to Schwerin by interstate. But now under construction.

Your first direction is Insel Poel / Island of Poel.

Changing the signs to yellow background:

end of interstate - subject no further restrictions: 100 km/h.

Kirchdorf is already on the Island of Poel.

In this place Gro�-Str�mkendorf you need to decide:

Island or not...

Due to the character of an island: its connected by one road which means you have to get the same way back from the island.

Get here some pictures of the Island of Poel. If you miss it because you are under time pressure: do no worry - you get nearby landscape also in Rerik.

For all others you can continue to Neubukow.

By the way there are few "Landgast..." (now h�user or st�tten follows) which means Country Inns with very local authentic German food.

On the way you find one of several Dutch windmills. And if your cruise does not call Amsterdam: Good occassion to tell your friends that you have been in the Netherlands as well.

On Wednesday from 13.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs you can visit how they mill the wheat to flour... Maybe your children are interested to learn that flour does not "grow" in paperbags in a supermarket...

I love this water-landscape...

Typical road villages you had a lot in former East Germany.

If you are in hurry: B 105 takes you on a direct way to Bad Doberan from here there is a direct route to Warnem�nde.

We had set our GPS from centre to centre. But sometimes there were by-passes so if you dislike this you can follow already Rerik.

Otherwise you need to make a left turn to Parking in Zentrum (Center) before you get back to the Rerik-bound roads.

Thats Rerik. I was very much impressed.

You can rent a "Strandkorb" which allow you to sit inside and to keep your goods in the drawers.

But you need to pay "Kurtaxe" to use the beach. Normally you pay with your hotel bill but when you are a day tripper then you need to pay at this machine. Most exact change and then press the green botton to get a ticket.

"FKK" means nudist activities. Its very popular in East Germany. You should not walk there to look at them. If you participate you are welcome. But on this section it is prohibited.

"K�ptns Kl�nstuv" is North German slang and means the Captains Chatroom (not internet)...

You can get here some German food or piece of cake and you have a map on the wall.

Zweirad or Fahrrad means Bike - Fahrradverleih means Bike Rental.

Beautiful weather - children who need to move... maybe thats an option...

Do not forget to pay for parking.

Enter the coins until the estimated time of your departure appears. Enter the green botton and you get your ticket.

We continued to Kr�pelin.

But if you are in hurry: A 20 is the interstate to Rostock...

Up and down and cherry blossoms...

And here are some impressions from Kr�pelin.

I would say: still a typical East German small town.

We went first to the terminal of Molli-Train.

You can go by train to K�hlungsborn East (= Ost) and walk back (about 2 1/2 miles) or take the "street train for sightseeing".

At the station there is not so much beside the Molli-Train and its museum of its own.

Thats the "street sightseeing train".

But we moved with our car to K�hlungsborn Ost.

Oh... thats a signpost for a road closure and a deviation. You need to follow the "U" or "Umleitung".

Tourist Office is located in the train station building.

or you go again with the Street Sightseeing Train to town.

The bike rental moved away but we found so many in town...

From the square in the front of the station building you go to the right side of the street and you make a turn to the main shopping street.

A brewhouse and boat trips to Warnem�nde. Unfortunately they do not work for shore excursions from Warnem�nde.

Here as well: "Kurtaxe" requested if you want to see the beaches.

K�hlungsborn East and West are connected by this 2 miles long Promenade.

Very surprising a guard tower from times of GDR.

And that is the road which connect K�hlungsborn East and West. All the hotels.

and appearances like this... if you feel hungry and homesick...

For whose of you who might need four wheels to cycle... all available... perfect for a family trip.

We walked through a little forrest back to our car and discovered old East German illuminations.

Ossi = Slang for East Germans or may be nickname for Oscar...

but great prices if you left the main shopping street: 7.20 E

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