Friday, June 29, 2018

Time Flies When You Are Having Fun!

Time Flies When You Are Having Fun!

I cant believe how fast time seems to be moving. The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a blur. 

A couple of weeks ago I had to attend GET (Guest English Teacher) in service training. It is additional training that the Daejeon MOE pays for all its new GETs to do. The training takes a full week of afternoons. We started at 3PM and finished about 6PM. The training was pretty easy going. It was a very relaxed environment where we had opportunities to talk to other teachers and get advice on problems we were having. 

Apart from the GET training I have pretty much spent the last two weeks teaching, writing lesson plans and proof reading English exams written by the other teachers. On Friday last week (19th) my school had a debating contest and I was one of the judges... mwahahaha. I was a little annoyed that it was on a Friday afternoon after classes, but all the other English teachers were there so I felt it would be pretty bad form if I wasnt there. I actually ended up having a good time. The three best students will go go to a inter-school debate contest in Daejeon later this year. I am going to help them prepare for the contest. Hopefully we can win :).

On Friday I also got a strange gift from girls in one of my classes. I am not sure if they were making fun of me or they genuinely thought it was cute and a good gift.... Either way I accepted it, smiled and said thank you. They built a small paper box, put some really small bugs inside (bugs are about 1mm big) and then made a sticky tape lid so you could see the bugs.

This is one Korean culture thing I dont quite get....

go to link download