Monday, March 16, 2015

Computer Aided and Integrated Manufacturing Systems by Cornelius T Leondes volumes 1 to 5 ebook is here!

Computer Aided and Integrated Manufacturing Systems by Cornelius T Leondes volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Book Title : Computer Aided and Integrated Manufacturing Systems

Author(s)  : Cornelius T Leondes
Publisher   : World Scientific
Edition      : 2003
Pages        : vol 1 :- 248, vol 2:- 254, vol 3:- 238, vol 4:- 313, vol 5 :- 255

Volume 1: Computer Techniques
Volume 2: Intelligent System Technologies
Volume 3: Optimization Methods
Volume 4: Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing
Volume 5: Manufacturing Process